This industrial club aims to create a community to exchange on topics of interest such as recycling, regulatory issues, the development of formulations more environmentally friendly or with specific properties or the durability and aging of these materials.
We propose to all POLYMERIS companies to be part of this community and to meet for the second time of the year, on Thursday, July 8, 2021 from 2:00 pm.
- Introduction (Context, Principles and functioning of the PU Club)
- Round table of the participants (1 minute per participant)
- Technical presentation by Professor Luc Avérous, BioTeam/ECPM-ICPEES
- Presentation of the missions of the Trade Shows/International cluster
- Conclusions (cluster agenda, action plan...)
To register or for more information, contact Amélie BRU-CHAMBET :
amelie.bru-chambet@polymeris.fr - +33 (0)7 72 32 41 62