5 avenue Gabriel - Paris 75008
On September 16, Polymeris will be a partner of the 11th printed electronics meeting organized by AFELIM (French printed electronics association).
Come and discover the latest advances in technology: products on the shelves and new fields application!
Plenary lectures: given by decision-makers from large groups, SMEs and VSEs. Topics of the day include the trade's main issues: R&D, innovative technologies, market data, …
Echanges business: all the exchange times take place in the middle of the stands.
Product exhibition: all the members of the sector are present.
Polymeris member ? You benefit from the negotiated AFELIM member rate at 350 € HT (instead of 550 €) by selecting "Polymeris Member" in the drop-down list.
Contact: Maxime VERMEULEN
maxime.vermeulen@polymeris.fr - +33 (0)7 85 01 34 80