The exhibition of the Plastics, Composites & Rubber industry in France.
A flagship event and reference for the entire profession, it brings together all the players to promote the performance of a high-tech, competitive and responsible plastics industry with more than 10,000 visitors and 800 exhibitors.
Polymeris is a partner of the event. We will be present on a large space dedicated to the Plastic Valley with our partners, Haut Bugey Agglomération, INSA and PlastiCampus. We will also have a dedicated stand on the FIP Valorize with our members company, SEDEM and THERMOSTEPH.
Polymeris offers you two innovative tours during the FIP show, to discover companies and their products & services.
- Innovation Tour #1: « Monitoring des procédés/zéro défauts » : Wednesday, April 6, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm - Departure from Plastics Vallée booth : G17/H20
Reliable control and monitoring of plastic transformation processes is a crucial point in our industry today: reducing scrap and decreasing production time, process monitoring ensures both optimal production costs and waste reduction. This innovation tour offers you the opportunity to visit some of the players in the sector and to present their latest advances in the field. - Innovation Tour #2 « Circular economy on the whole value chain of the product » : Thursday, April 7, 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Departure from Plastics Vallée booth : G17/H20
This innovation tour offers you to discover how the circular economy is present throughout the product value chain: from eco-design, to the technical center, through the process and the transformer, and the recycler. What is the vision of each player?
Companies visited:- Ecodesign: CREASTUCE - engineering office in plastics processing and ecodesign
- Technical centre: CERTECH - centre for technological resources in chemistry
- Process: COLLOMB - mould maker
- Transformer: THERMO STEPH - thermoforming
- Recycled materials: SEDEM - distribution and trading of recycled plastic materials
Registration to Innovations Tours
More informations
Discover all our members present at the FIP
Vous ne pouvez pas vous rendre sur le salon FIP ?
Polymeris and Polyvia offer you a webinar to review the innovations detected at the show.
Plus d'information : ici