Technocampus Composites - Chemin du Chaffault, 44340 Bouguenais
Tags :
Événement partenaire - Pays de la Loire
This day aims to bring together the actors of the wood industry around the theme of composites. For this, several projects mixing the two themes will be addressed during this day. A focus will also be brought on the recycling of these multimaterials.
- From 1:30 pm: Coffee reception
- 2pm : European project VIABLE
Nicolas Longhitano, Chargé de mission Innovation - Polymeris
Progressive replacement of BPA by the use of lignin in epoxy resin formulation for composite applications - 2.20 pm : European project COMPOLIVE
Pascal Metenier, Président - CALIPLAST
Valorization of olive tree pruning waste into biocomposite filled with wood fiber for the automotive, interior design and urban design sectors - 2.40 pm : What end of life for its multi-material composites?
Romain Agogue, Responsable Programme Composites - Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites (IPC)
Various testimonies on the wood composite theme including Nadia Guitter, R&D Manager - Silvadec - 3 pm : Coffee break
- 3.30 pm: Visit of AIRBUS and CETIM
- 5 pm : End