Since 2020, the competitiveness clusters Materalia, Polymeris and the technology platform Plastinnov have joined forces to organize a cycle of webinars dedicated to the "Circular Economy" process, in December 2020 and April 2021.
As announced during the last webinar on April 9, we invite you to participate in the co-construction of a community of players involved in the circular economy: COMETE, Community for Materials and Ecodesign, which will allow us to set up working groups to promote the emergence of collaborative projects related to this topic.
In order to move forward in a more concrete way, we propose to meet again during a first workshop, online, which will take place on Tuesday, June 29 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. and will be divided into two parts:
- "Plenary" and interactions with all participants
- Objectives of the process
- Interactive co-construction of the community
- Creativity workshops in sub-groups around 2 themes
- End-of-life recycling solutions
- Optimization of production processes with material re-use
- Restitution, organization and implementation of COMETE
This is a 1h30 session where we will solicit your interests and needs before launching the next steps. This workshop is intended mainly for companies, laboratories and technical centers that could take part in collaborative projects.
In order to better take into account your issues and make your voice heard, it is always possible to complete our survey composed of four questions (estimated response time: less than a minute): Survey
Contact: Aurélie REPETO
+33 (0)6 42 64 53 75