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Découvrez nos partenaires internationaux présents sur le salon :
- ARAMCO Europe
- ATIM cluster (Advanced Technology in Manufacturing) - Irlande
- Atul Suri, Cluster Lead, Transport & Europe – India Aviation Cluster - Inde
- Automotive Supplier Network Saxony (AMZ)- Allemagne
- Bay Zoltán Network- Hongrie
- Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley - Pologne
- Fraunhofer Lightweight Design Alliance - Allemagne
- LIGHTer - Suède
- Mechatronics and Motoristics Clust-ER - Pologne
- MERGE Cluster of Excellence (TU Chemnitz) - Allemagne
- Plast Center Danmark - Danemark
- Polymer Industry Cluster, Greater Akron Chamber - USA
- SPK Sslovensky Plastikarsky Klaster- Slovaquie
- The Advanced Materials Cluster of Catalonia - Espagne
- The Centre for Innovation in Polymer Engineering (PIEP) - Portugal
- The Jožef Stefan Institute - Slovénie
- University of Northumbria at Newcastle (UNN) - Royaume-Uni
- Vallée des Elastomères - Canada
- Wirtschaftsförderung Raum Heilbronn Gmb, Polymer cluster of the economic region Heilbronn - Allemagne