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POLYTRONICS, winner of the EDIH call for projects

A project to support the digitalization of polymer materials companies

POLYTRONICS is the winner of the "Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs" (EDIH) call for projects launched by the European Commission to support the digitalization of polymer materials companies

Supported by the Polymeris cluster, POLYTRONICS is one of the 10 French EDIHs selected and funded by the European Commission as part of the "Digital Europe" program. This program aims to strengthen the adoption of digital technologies by companies and to build an ethical and sustainable European vision of the deployment of digital solutions for businesses (Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity and high performance computing).

The 18 members of the consortium mobilized for the construction of the POLYTRONICS application, as well as the associated partners, are delighted with this announcement which marks the starting point of a new stage in the deployment of the digital roadmap in three regions: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Centre-Val de Loire.

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