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EDIH4Manu International Launch Conference

Polymeris participated on January 24, 2023 in the international launch conference of the EDIH4Manu network organized by MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0 in Milan. A network of 25 EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hub) coordinated by MADE Competence Center i4.0, EDIH4Manu gathers EDIHs from the most competitive European regions and represents more than 30% of the value-added of European manufacturing industries.

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Launch of the WALCHY project

WALCHY - WAAM Additive Technology for Hydrogen Valves components

Launched on October 10, 2022, WALCHY is a European project that aims to design, prototype and test the industrial production capabilities of a valve component for the hydrogen energy industry based on a Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process.

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Feedback on our Collective Mission in Japan

The mission to Japan was held the week of November 14-19, 2022. It followed the webinar presentation of innovative Japanese companies in September and the survey on the interests of our members.

The themes selected were bio-based materials and recycling techniques.

In partnership with ADERLY, Yukiko Sugiyama VINCENT and Jean-Jacques LEGAT were able to meet with a dozen Japanese companies to discuss these topics, which are at the heart of our roadmap. Not surprisingly, these topics have an international impact and the concern for the preservation of the planet and the reduction of the environmental footprint are also omnipresent in the discussions and ambitions of the companies and groups we met.

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Meet our members at the Formnext 2022 exhibition

Formnext 2022 takes place from November 15 to 18 at Messe Frankfurt. In addition to the new products exhibited, numerous conferences are organized to exchange and better understand the current state of additive manufacturing technologies. Formnext is an opportunity to meet international players, from the aerospace sector to small startups, including the medical, automotive or large chemical groups.

Many members will be present on the show, do not hesitate to meet them on their stands!

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HI France label, find out about our members with the hi France label in September 2022

Are you planning to raise funds? Polymeris is with you!

Since 2010, the French Competitiveness Clusters have been supporting innovative companies in strengthening their equity capital through a national label, the Innovative Company of the Clusters (EIP) label. In 2021, the French Competitiveness Clusters, within the French Association of Competitiveness Clusters, wanted to give a new impetus and strengthen their support to the search for private funding for the growth and internationalization of startups and innovative companies. This national labeling process enhances the scientific base and market potential of innovations developed in France by drawing on the combined expertise of technological and market experts from the public and private sectors.

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French-Korean Forum and Tech4Good event

POLYMERIS participated in the French-Korean Forum for innovative companies and Tech4Good event in Seoul from September 19 to 23.

At the request of the DGE, Polymeris participated in the French-Korean week held in Seoul from September 19 to 23, which included the 7th French-Korean forum for innovative companies and an event dedicated to technology start-ups Tech4Good 202.

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New projects labelled by Polymeris and funded

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Launch of the PLASTICE project

Integrating plastic waste in the circular economy: new project PLASTICE kicks off

Today, only 20% of plastic is recycled but a new EU-funded project – PLASTICE – hopes to improve this figure by introducing valorisation processes aligned with the latest chemical recycling technologies.

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