GUATECS, labelled hi France in March 2022

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  • GUATECS, labelled hi France in March 2022
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Facilitating access to investors is the ambition of this label renamed "hi France".

Guatecs proposes a process of latex extraction from Guayule plants which mainly addresses glove manufacturers with good arguments in terms of mechanical performance and less allergenic. It is also worth noting, among other things, the interest of having a local production that consumes little water, with the use of agricultural meadows and the fight against deforestation linked to the production of Hevea: a combination of virtues to be exploited.

The label was issued by the POLYMERIS cluster, the VEGEPOLYS VALLEY cluster and coordinated by the AFPC.


Jean-Jacques LEGAT

+33 (0)6 88 39 54 07

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