Label HI France, The label of innovative companies to invest in

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  • Label HI France, The label of innovative companies to invest in
Tags : Innovation

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Facilitating access to investors is the ambition of this label renamed "hi France".

Get the hi France label


  • To provide you with high-level, multi-skilled support and expertise from the various French technology clusters and markets
  • Give you access to investors from the national networks France Invest and France Angels, partners of the hi France label
  • Give you local and national visibility in your search for funds with France Invest and France Angels investors
  • Support you from seed to development capital
  • Integrate all innovation ecosystems throughout the country and all market sectors

Video presentation of the Label (40sec) hi France, le label des entreprises innovantes dans lesquelles investir - YouTube

AFPC Label Presentation Webinar : Replay du Webinar de lancement du label hi France - YouTube

Some key elements 2010-2020 of the EIP Label (renamed hi France)
370 labels awarded / 150 funds raised / €380M raised

Labellisation Process

Discover the 3 POLYMERIS members who have just been awarded the hiFrance label on June 22.

Novandsat develops a connected litter for cats "Caremitou" which allows to follow the health of his pet via the recording of physiological parameters: urine, weight, temperature ... This project brings together plastics skills with the tray itself and all the management of data recorded over the days, a real evolution in the course of care and well-being of his pet.
Localisation: Murles /Hérault 34

Recnorec proposes an industrial demonstrator for the recycling of mixed plastics, often left behind by large collectors because of the variability of their composition. This project is well in the air of time to recycle everything with a market of applications of eco furniture well identified.
Localisation: Plaisir / Yvelines 78

Simia offers a pacifier for children made of non-allergenic natural rubber from guayule or dandelion latex and with an innovative design made in one piece for more cleanliness, and the upcoming development of a range with a teething ring ... a beautiful attention 100% made in France eco-responsible and committed for the little ones!
Localisation: Vitry sur Seine/ Val de Marne 95

As a reminder, GUATECS was the first company to be certified by Polymeris in March 2022. GUATECS, labelled hi France in March 2022



Jean-Jacques LEGAT

+33 (0)6 88 39 54 07

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