POLYTRONICS, winner of the EDIH call for projects

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  • POLYTRONICS, winner of the EDIH call for projects

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POLYTRONICS: Your innovation window for smart polymers and digital technologies

Initiated in 2020 by the Polymeris cluster, POLYTRONICS' mission is to raise awareness and support polymer materials companies (plastics, textiles, composites and rubbers) in their digital transformation thanks to artificial intelligence for the digitization of their processes and products.

A concrete support program will enable companies, mainly SMEs and ETIs, to identify and seize the many opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence. The companies supported will benefit from a course and customized services following 4 axes:

  • Test before you invest: an initial awareness and diagnostic phase on the use of data and technical support with easy access to laboratories and testing and experimentation equipment,
  • Skills and Training: a training offer on dedicated transversal skills,
  • Investment support: simplified access to financing tools,
  • Innovation ecosystem and networking: an opening to Europe through technical and commercial collaborations with other European EDIHs.

POLYTRONICS: AI for sustainable and innovative materials

Societal and environmental issues are at the heart of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the POLYTRONICS support program and of the action of its consortium, which will deploy it in the three regions mainly targeted and in the entire polymer materials sector.

POLYTRONICS is fully in line with Europe's ambition for an ethical and sustainable use of new digital technologies and a deployment in accordance with Europe's "Green Deal" program. The issues of resource use, integration of recycled material or traceability will be addressed through the application of digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence.

EDIH to connect companies and ecosystems

An EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub) is a grouping of players whose purpose is to provide a one-stop shop, either physical or virtual, to connect companies in their territories to the resources and ecosystems they need to succeed in their digital transformation.

It practices a strong networking activity with the other EDIH to ensure a mutual increase in competence. Finally, they will support private companies, including SMEs and start-ups, as well as the public sector in their digital transformation.

POLYTRONICS gouvernance

POLYTRONICS project  is led by Polymeris,, a competitiveness cluster for rubber, plastics and composites, specialized in supporting innovative start-ups and SMEs, and complemented by Techtera, competitiveness cluster, the textile materials cluster. Accompanied by the consortium composed of IPC, IFTH, Université d’Orléans, FEMTO-ST, CRESITT Industrie, SWARM, MAYFAIR VILLAGE, INNOVALLYS, GEMTEX (ENSAIT), Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, ALTAIR Engineering France, FABLAB Orléanais, Université Dijon Bourgogne, S2P, INSA Lyon, the project is supported by the regions Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche Comté et Centre-Val de Loire. The regional innovation agencies and the CCI of these regions are also associated with the project, in order to promote Polytronics' actions to companies. EDIH aims to bring together the ecosystem necessary to facilitate the digital transition of polymer materials companies: technical centers and technology platforms, training and research players, competitiveness clusters, and players involved in supporting innovation and digital transformation.


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