Why should I label my project?
The labeling allows you to strengthen your chances of obtaining funding. Moreover, for certain calls for projects (e.g.: i-demo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes), certification by a competitiveness cluster is mandatory.
The labeling of your project by a competitiveness cluster is a guarantee of the overall quality of the innovative project and facilitates access to regional, national, and European funding. ... By engaging in the labeling process, you strengthen your file / project and increase your chances of obtaining funding
Get involved in the labeling process
By engaging in the labeling process, you strengthen your file / project and increase your chances of obtaining funding
This process allows
- To have feedback and recommendations from experts to improve the project before its submission (complete reading grid).
- To have the support of the cluster before submission and the support of the cluster after funding.
- To ensure that the project meets the eligibility criteria of the chosen Call for Projects (study of the specifications, consortium, technical objectives, budget, etc.)
- To have the support of the cluster which backs the project according to the objectives of the funders (strategic areas of the regions, State, BPI, Europe...)
How to label my project?
Each project submitted for the Polymeris label is reviewed by an experts committee who assess the relevance of the project by providing the cluster's knowledge of the sector's challenges and the funders priorities. This experts committee is composed of employees and members of the cluster from different types and sizes of structures to ensure that our industry is representative.

The labelling committee
The committee meets about ten times a year (usually about ten days before the closing of deposits).
It is currently composed of 13 members representing the following companies:
- Clayens NP
- Groupe Barbier
- Interep
- Michelin
- Nacca-Tech
- Sacred
- Société Générale
This support is exclusively intended for members who are up to date with their membership fees or can be the subject of a dedicated service.