Technological axes
They have been designed to meet the global challenges of digital and ecological transition, by enabling the development of intelligent, safe and sustainable products.
These three priority areas, called Strategic Action Areas (SAAs), are broken down into priority themes. The "advanced materials" domain is in fact a cross-cutting theme, overlapping with the circular economy and digital industry issues.
The 12 priority themes cover the entire value chain represented by our industrial and academic members, from upstream, with materials and new formulations, to downstream, with the end-of-life of products, including all transformation processes.
Technological building blocks called innovation vectors constitute the basis for reflection to feed the selected priority themes.

Strategic Action Area
- Circular economy
- Digital factory
- Advanced materials
12 priority themes
- Formulation and fillers
- Biosourced materials
- Composites
- Recyclable materials
- Recycling processes
- Process monitoring
- Simulation and instrumentation
- Transformation processes
- Ecodesign
- Aging and durability
- Surface functionalization
- Structural electronics
Vectors of innovation
- Additives
- Blends
- Green resins
- Biosourced reinforcements and fillers
- Sustainable composites
- High performance composites
- Vitrimers
- Identification of deposits
- Traceability
- Waste recovery
- Chemical recycling
- Process monitoring
- Functional simulation
- Materials database
- High added value processes
- Hybridization
- Additive manufacturing
- Assembly and separation
- Design methods
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- Behavioral prediction
- Surface texturing
- Electronic integration