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EDIH4Manu International Launch Conference

Polymeris participated on January 24, 2023 in the international launch conference of the EDIH4Manu network organized by MADE Competence Center Industry 4.0 in Milan. A network of 25 EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hub) coordinated by MADE Competence Center i4.0, EDIH4Manu gathers EDIHs from the most competitive European regions and represents more than 30% of the value-added of European manufacturing industries.

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Launch of the European project Cradle-Alp

Polymeris is a partner of the European Interreg Alpin Space project: Cradle Alp. Launched in November 2022 for a period of 3 years, this project aims to disseminate and raise awareness of the "Cradle to Cradle" (C2C) circular economy approach among economic and political actors in the Alpine region.

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European project AMULET : The winners of the 1st Open call and opening of the 2nd call

The first open call made it possible to finance 24 consortia of up to 3 SMEs with lightweighting projects in the construction, aerospace, energy and automotive sectors.

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Launch of the WALCHY project

WALCHY - WAAM Additive Technology for Hydrogen Valves components

Launched on October 10, 2022, WALCHY is a European project that aims to design, prototype and test the industrial production capabilities of a valve component for the hydrogen energy industry based on a Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) process.

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Feedback on our Collective Mission in Japan

The mission to Japan was held the week of November 14-19, 2022. It followed the webinar presentation of innovative Japanese companies in September and the survey on the interests of our members.

The themes selected were bio-based materials and recycling techniques.

In partnership with ADERLY, Yukiko Sugiyama VINCENT and Jean-Jacques LEGAT were able to meet with a dozen Japanese companies to discuss these topics, which are at the heart of our roadmap. Not surprisingly, these topics have an international impact and the concern for the preservation of the planet and the reduction of the environmental footprint are also omnipresent in the discussions and ambitions of the companies and groups we met.

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Circular Economy & Composites - Online Survey

Your opinion is important to us!

The Pays de la Loire is a territory of excellence for composite materials, used in key activities of the region such as aeronautics, boating, food processing, green technologies, electronics or construction.
Recently, fundamental trends have shown the need to focus on the durability of composites. Innovation actions seem necessary to maintain and further develop a technological lead on composites and their recycling.

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R&D Booster Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - Opening of the call until February 21, 2023

R&D Booster: Financing the validation and prototyping stages of my collaborative R&D projects

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region is launching a new call for projects "R&D Booster" to increase the development of regional companies in connection with regional research laboratories.

This call for projects aims to promote public-private R&D projects to develop new products, processes or services. In concrete terms, this means optimizing all the functions of a product, service or process, estimating the impact and acceptability of the innovation and identifying collateral applications.

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Meet our members at MECAPLASTRONIC CONNECTION 2022

With 10 editions to its credit, MecaPlasTronic Connection includes a B2B exhibition, Fablab workshops and a program of conferences and round tables dedicated to innovation in the fields of mechatronics, plastronics and printed electronics.

Many members will be present on the show, do not hesitate to meet them on their stands!

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