
  • Regions >
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Your competitiveness cluster in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is the major region in which the cluster is based and operates, with a strong economy dedicated to chemistry and materials on an international scale and considerable potential for project development.

With its chemical and plastics valleys, it is also France's leading rubber-producing region in terms of workforce, thanks to the presence of the world's leading tire manufacturer Michelin, the only CAC 40 company to have its headquarters in the region. The cluster is in line with the regional guidelines for the industry of the future and is part of the network of 13 regional clusters with which it collaborates.

Resources and means


head office



Strategic partners

Industry partners:
  • IPC
  • Polyvia
Regional partners:

Universités Lyon St Etienne, Grenoble-Alpes, Clermont-Auvergne
CEA Tech, AxelOne, Itech, PlastiCampus, LPSE, CTCPA…
Techtera, Minalogic, Axelera, Cimes…

Funding partners:

Regional targets 2020-2025

Rubber, Plastics & Composites Ecosystem



by 2025

Innovation Project Reactor



new projects
each year

European and international visibility



new actions
and projects each year

Innovation Project Reactor


Intercluster actions within the framework of regional strategic domains and  intercluster regional working groups
(industry of the future, composites, circular economy)

Key figures


End-of-2019 participants


Projects financed
over 2018–2020



Rubber industry companies



Plasturgy and composite industry companies


The news

POLYTRONICS, winner of the EDIH call for projects

A project to support the digitalization of polymer materials companies

POLYTRONICS is the winner of the "Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs" (EDIH) call for projects launched by the European Commission to support the digitalization of polymer materials companies

Supported by the Polymeris cluster, POLYTRONICS is one of the 10 French EDIHs selected and funded by the European Commission as part of the "Digital Europe" program. This program aims to strengthen the adoption of digital technologies by companies and to build an ethical and sustainable European vision of the deployment of digital solutions for businesses (Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity and high performance computing).

The 18 members of the consortium mobilized for the construction of the POLYTRONICS application, as well as the associated partners, are delighted with this announcement which marks the starting point of a new stage in the deployment of the digital roadmap in three regions: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Centre-Val de Loire.

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Meet our members at JEC WORLD from May 3 to 5, 2022

JEC World is the leading international trade show dedicated to composite materials and their applications. Every year in Paris, JEC World is the industry's leading event, welcoming all the major players in a world of innovation, business and exchange. Polymeris will be present on the Composites-Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Hall 5 Booth E70 with the other partner clusters and on the Polymeris stand Hall 5 Booth R80.

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Meet our members at the FIP show from April 5 to 9

Évènement phare et référent pour toute la profession, il fédère tous les acteurs pour porter haut la performance d’une plasturgie high-tech, compétitive et responsable avec plus de 10 000 visiteurs et 800 exposants dont de nombreux adhérents sur pôle !

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Exchanges between Polymeris, Elastotech, Cycl-add and Olga GIVERNET

The Ain, France's leading industrial department, is renowned for its expertise in plastics, rubber and polymer manufacturing. The region has a dense network of highly qualified SMEs that are always looking for innovation and competitiveness.

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Upcoming events

Find all our upcoming events by theme

Technical days


International congresses

Collective missions


Partners events

Currently there are no events.

Past events

Research and Innovation

Co-exhibit with Polymeris at Mecaplastronic Connection

In the chemical recycling and bio-based plastics industry

The Circular Economy event of the end of the year

Addresses and contacts

Maison des entreprises

180 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Bellignat
01117 OYONNAX Cedex

Sophie DUEZ

+33(0)4 74 12 09 76

Laurence MERCIER

+33(0)4 74 12 19 23

Campus Région du Numérique

78 route de Paris
69260 Charbonnières-les-Bains

Jean-Jacques LEGAT
+33 (0)6 88 39 54 07

+33 (0)6 31 31 04 50

+33 (0)6 48 18 88 76

Thibaut LEFORT
+33 (0)7 72 32 41 62

Annabelle SION
+33 (0)6 33 70 06 74

Plastic Velay

13, rue de la Grand Croix
43600 Les Villettes

13, rue de la Grand Croix
43600 Les Villettes
+33 (0)6 30 50 20 15

Bureau Lyon 8e

1 Boulevard Edmond Michelet
69008 Lyon

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