The past events


Event type

Strategic area

2 days to discover the local ecosystem and initiate technological and R&D collaborations

Mission in Canada within the framework of the European project PERCY on the recycling of polymers.

The European Union's Framework Program for Research and Innovation for the period 2021 to 2027.

PERCY – Presentation of the program of the Mission of June 21 and 22 in Pennsylvania

European funding opportunity for SMEs: come and apply to challenges on advanced lightweight materials

Polymeris will be present at Pharmapack, the European hub for the pharma packaging and drug delivery device industry.


Polymers for medical innovation

Clusters from Germany, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and Slovakia in the textile, plastics and automotive sectors

Regulation, measurement and treatment

Life Cycle Analysis

European funding opportunity for SMEs: come and apply to challenges on advanced lightweight materials

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