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New projects labelled by Polymeris and funded

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Discover Global Polymers

Polymeris is pleased to launch the first version of the global Polymers marketplace platform to meet the needs of polymers and related products suppliers and solution providers on an international level.

Global Polymers ( aims to be a global marketplace for innovation, networking and business cooperation in the polymer industry.

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Launch of the PLASTICE project

Integrating plastic waste in the circular economy: new project PLASTICE kicks off

Today, only 20% of plastic is recycled but a new EU-funded project – PLASTICE – hopes to improve this figure by introducing valorisation processes aligned with the latest chemical recycling technologies.

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A-RING Newsletter N°3

With this third edition of the A-RING newsletter, we are pleased to share with you the highlights of the final event of the project in public, held at the University of Milan on May 31, 2022. The project partners had the opportunity to present the results of the in-depth work carried out over the last three years, while the main stakeholders of the Alpine Space had the chance to discuss together the past and future perspectives of the Intelligent Specialization (S3) Strategies (Research & Innovation) and to explore the possibility to join their efforts for the development of a shared R&I Agenda for the Alpine Space macro-region.

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POLYMERIS - Feedback on the collective mission in Spain

POLYMERIS, ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine and EEN have organized a business mission in Spain, in the Basque Country and Navarre on May 31st and June 1st 2022. Within the framework of this mission, we took 4 actors of innovation from New Aquitaine to discover Spanish companies and technical centers. The objective of this mission was to initiate R&D collaborations and to identify technological opportunities in polymer and composite materials. B2B and company visits were proposed.

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PERCY - Feedback on the collective mission to CANADA

Within the framework of their objective to develop relations with international partners, the 4 European clusters of the PERCY project, including POLYMERIS, organized a collective mission to Canada from May 30 to June 3.

Polymeris was accompanied by the other partners in the PERCY project (Polymer Recycling): Fonden Plast Center Danmark, Denmark, Project Coordinator,    Wirtschaftsforderung Raum Heilbron GMBH, Germany and Slovensky Plastikarsky Klaster, Slovakia. They were hosted on site by 3 Canadian clusters and 30 representatives of their members (companies and research centers).

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POLYTRONICS, winner of the EDIH call for projects

A project to support the digitalization of polymer materials companies

POLYTRONICS is the winner of the "Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs" (EDIH) call for projects launched by the European Commission to support the digitalization of polymer materials companies

Supported by the Polymeris cluster, POLYTRONICS is one of the 10 French EDIHs selected and funded by the European Commission as part of the "Digital Europe" program. This program aims to strengthen the adoption of digital technologies by companies and to build an ethical and sustainable European vision of the deployment of digital solutions for businesses (Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity and high performance computing).

The 18 members of the consortium mobilized for the construction of the POLYTRONICS application, as well as the associated partners, are delighted with this announcement which marks the starting point of a new stage in the deployment of the digital roadmap in three regions: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Centre-Val de Loire.

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Label HI France, The label of innovative companies to invest in

Are you planning to raise funds? Polymeris is with you!

Since 2010, the French Competitiveness Clusters have been helping innovative companies strengthen their equity capital through a national label, the Innovative Company of the Clusters (EIP) label. In 2021, the French Competitiveness Clusters, within the French Association of Competitiveness Clusters, wanted to give a new impetus and strengthen their support to the search for private funding for the growth and internationalization of startups and innovative companies. This national labeling process enhances the scientific base and market potential of innovations developed in France by drawing on the combined expertise of technological and market experts from the public and private sectors.

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